50 years of
Through the acquisition and active management of extensive land holdings in different jurisdictions and geographies, we have demonstrated
that we understand the way business is done in each region

USA - Pacific Northwest
Species-rich mixed coniferous forest
Species: California Redwood, Hemlock & Douglas Fir
Additional income: Nature conservation easements and carbon certificates
Production: High quality sawn timber for the local timber industry & for export

Paper, industrial & sawn timber for local wood processing industry
Conversion to higher climate resiliance, improved natural forest management
Certification: PEFC
Additional income:
- Wind energy
- Conservation easements
- Eco-credits
Species-rich mixed forest

Low risk country:
-No restrictions on foreign property ownership
- No capital restrictions
- No local currency risk
- Investment protection for foreign investors
Low management-, market- and off-take risk
High Potential:
-Climate change =positive
- Export to MERCOSUR states:
- Free trade zone with a GDP of $2.5b.
-Gateway to 400 m. people (65% of Latin America GDP)

Eucalyptus Pulp Production
Acquisition of degraded pasture land with subsequent leasing for afforestation with eucalyptus
Lease price linked to USCPI with 10 years cycle price adjustment based on land value; participation in wood yield
Production cylcle: 10 years
Production: Pulp wood for the domestic market
Certification: FSC

New Zealand North Island
High quality pine logs
Long vegetation periods & high precipitations leading to high annual growth rates
Production cycle: 25-28 years
High liquidity:
- Harvest of mature stands with subsequent restocking (brownfield)
- Infrastructure cost only at beginning of first. rotation harvest
High increase in value:
Afforestation of degraded land with high growth rates and carbon sequestration (greenfield)
Market: 60% export to Asia, 40% local

Semi-natural mixed forests
Efficient forest management:
- High degree of IT & mechanization
- Country shaped by forestry & timber industry
Low risk through tree species mix, product & location diversification, extensive insurance cover
High demands on nature conservation:
- Certification (PEFC & FSC)
- Planned conservation easements

One of the most attractive investment locations in Europe:
- High legal certainty & market. transparency
- Availability of large scale assets
- Professional wood industry
Additional income:
-Wind energy
- Conservation easements
- Real estate development & sale
- Hunting lease

Afforestation projects with high impact character:
- High carbon sequestration capacity
- Improvement of living conditions of. local population
Generation of attractive additional income: Participation in the local carbon trading market

Afforestation of degraded areas with teak:
Production of high quality sawn wood
Production cycle: 15-30 years
Market: Export to Asia (esp. India) for furniture making
Tax advantages for afforestation projects

Cultivation: Soya, grain & rice
Market: Local food industry & export (mainly to Mercosur)
93 % of land area is suitable for agricultural production
Transparent land market through field index system and public cadastre
Excellent infrastructure

Subtropical climate, fertile soils and evenly distributed precipitation =>
Long vegetation periods with high growth rates
- Easy reachability
-Liquid market

Large-scale afforestation of former pasture land with pine
Investment with high impact character
Forest management:
- Rigorous thinning for pulp production
- Growth of high-quality sawn timber
Market: Local sawmill industry, export to MERCOSUR, USA & Asia
Fast growing pine plantatations

Production cycle: 15-35 years
Market: Local wood processing industry with high demand
Increased forest value through:
- Investment in road construction
- Selective thinning to increase optimisation of growth and high value wood
Cost reduction: Promoting natural
Additional income:
- Conservation easements
- Hunting lease
- Carbon certificates
USA - Southeast
Fast growing pine plantations

Crop farming in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt in self-management
Cultivation of grain, corn and potatoes
Stable, recurring income
Introduction of smart and precision farming to reduce the ecological footprint and optimize the use of resources

Eucalyptus - High quality round wood production
Acquisition of degraded grazing land
Afforestation with eucalyptus
Production: High-quality logs for the local sawmill industry and for export
Production period: 18 years
Certification: FSC

Afforestation with high impact character:
- High carbon storage capacity
- Improvement of living conditions of local. population
Tax incentives for afforestation projects
Attractive additional income:
Participation in the international voluntary carbon market (VCS & BCC)